Cleaning up Blue Green Algae Blooms –thanks to AECOM      

AECOM has been busy innovating and starting
to solve one of Florida’s biggest problems-the blue green algae that has
been showing up on many state waterways. And once again they called on us
to help tell this story.


The project has been a pre-cursor to what AECOM hopes to lead
to a bigger governmental response and the building of large treatment
plants that will help remove the nutrients in the water flowing
from Lake Okeechobee.   This would help solve the Algae problem that is caused by these releases.

This has caught the interest of the Army Corp of engineers, the State of Florida and many of the affected counties.

“Our job was to create a demonstration documentary to show
that something can be done to help eliminate this horrible
blue green algae”, says Multivision’s Bob Berkowitz. The technology
is there and AECOM is showing that it can be done.”

“Our camera crews used drones to help showcase the problem and interviewed AECOM scientists, engineers and concerned citizens to tell the story and create a compelling case as to  why this action must be taken soon”.

We are always “ready to go” when it comes to helping our clients, and the public good at the same time.

Click HERE to watch the video.